A couple of posts back I mentioned in a postscript that you should all stay tuned for a big announcement!

Well… here it is…. (drum roll)

This blog is moving to! As of Aug 1, 2008 all posting will cease at this address and will continue at the new one!

Isn’t that cool! If you click on the link above you will see a mirror of everything before this post, all the old articles, posts, pages and comments are there (WordPress has an AWESOME import/export feature) and you can browse to your heart’s content. I have uploaded my custom header image (i love the beach, have i mentioned that?) but I will continue to customize for the next couple weeks. By Aug 1, however, I hope to be posting exclusively on!

at this point, is not a viable site… but it’s coming soon!!!!



Where in the Bible does it say I have to vote Republican?

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Click here to read the article.

This month, Christianity Today Magazine published an article entitled Evangelical Leaders to Support McCain. I encourage you to go read the article, not because it is at all profound or surprising, but because many of the comments and reviews of the article are.

I will be voting for Barak Obama in November. I do not believe this is a sin. I do not believe God has an opinon. God’s Kingdom is separate from the United States of America. You may passionately believe in conservative politics or liberal politics, but do not confuse your passion with God’s passion. God’s passion is for people. God’s passion is for the saving of souls into a right relationship with Him through His son, Jesus Christ. The person who will be POTUS for the next 4 years has little to no bearing on God’s passion. Here, in the United States, a country founded on “religious liberty”, the church is in decline. In the 2/3 world, where many live under cruel dictators and harsh laws, the church is flourishing. God’s Kingdom is about people. God’s Kingdom is about Love. Love and politics are not even in the same ballpark.



Test Post from ScribeFire

Hello Dear Sweet Readers,

I am posting this from the ScribeFire extension for Firefox (Firefox is the ONLY web browser in the world… if you aren’t using Firefox, there is something seriously wrong with you…. I still love you and all, but… I mean c’mon!)

This is really cool because the ScribeFire extension pops up a text editing window and allows me to write a blog post without having to actually log in to my blog!! How F***in’ Cool!

Ok… back to work….


ps – stay tuned for a big announcement!

pps- I’m nuts for social networking stuff so, go get a twitter account and follow me… and check out… and… and get plugged in to the 21st Century!!!

ppps- Check out my Flickr Pics and my YouTube Page !

pppps – just seeing if you’re still reading…. i love you!

A shameless plug…

Ok all you music junkies… I want to recommend the best music podcast out there. Go to and subscribe to the podcast there or check it out in iTunes.

Hosted by “Just Pete, your indie sweetheart”, this podcast is full of uplifting, family-friendly songs that just make you happy!

Give it a listen… you’ll be glad you did!

The Bored-Again Christian Podcast 6/28/2008



Smoke from the Democrat Fire

So this is what I have been breathing for the last week… My throat is irritated and my sinuses are full. I praise God, however, that where we live is in a VERY low danger area. We are surrounded by mostly other houses and not very near to any wild land. Others have not been so fortunate.

I also praise God because my Ethan has arrived safe and sound and we are having SO MUCH F-U-N!

Ready, Set, Go!

Don’t you wish you were here, playing with us! Come on over!

We’ve even been washing the car!

Bug and Daddy Washing the Car

I haven’t had a lot of time to write, lately. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t had a whole lot on my heart to write about. Politics, theology, life in general is leaving me flat lately… at least when it comes to writing. I started a post on Obama and Dobson but it just sorta fizzled out… we’ll see.

I love you all and I appreciate the encouraging words!

In Him,

Bug @ Kids Kingdom – Redding

Bug @ Kids Kingdom – Redding, originally uploaded by mcgraw.m75.

Bug @ Kids Kingdom – Redding

I’m so lame

I know, I know… I haven’t written anything in a while. But, in my defense, I’ve been R-E-A-L-L-Y busy with school and stuff.

Ethan arrives tomorrow!

Love you all very much!


Calling all MK’s!

I am doing a research paper for my missiology class on how the church supports missionary kids who are transitioning back to US for High School or college. If you are a missionary kid or know a missionary kid who might want to participate in my research. Please respond in the comments of this post. Also, if your church does work with missionary kids, respond in the comments, I want to dialog with you.

Thanks, good readers!


Election stuff

1) The next time Hillary Clinton accuses someone of being “mean-spirited” we need to force her to watch her speech from Tuesday night. Usually you have to be a member of a long-suffering minority to achieve that level of bitterness; to see it from an uptight, wealthy, white woman is a little off-putting.

2) I sincerely hope that Barak Obama is the next president of the United States and that Hillary Clinton is NOT the next vice-president.

3) John McCain makes Dick Chaney look like a 15 year-old kid going to the Jr. Prom.

More later……

I don’t have a title…

Greetings all visitors to the strange land. Welcome once again to my ramblings and ruminations.

I want to extend a little love to Andi over at Kung-Fu Chicken. Andi, you post letters to your children on or near their birthdays and I am brought to tears each and every time I read one. You are eloquent and sincere and your kids are so blessed to have you for a mom. Gentle readers, take a moment and go to Andi’s blog and just read her posts. I strive to be half the writer that she is. My hat is off.

Good night, friends. I will have election and speech comments tomorrow… hopefully 🙂