
Smoke from the Democrat Fire

So this is what I have been breathing for the last week… My throat is irritated and my sinuses are full. I praise God, however, that where we live is in a VERY low danger area. We are surrounded by mostly other houses and not very near to any wild land. Others have not been so fortunate.

I also praise God because my Ethan has arrived safe and sound and we are having SO MUCH F-U-N!

Ready, Set, Go!

Don’t you wish you were here, playing with us! Come on over!

We’ve even been washing the car!

Bug and Daddy Washing the Car

I haven’t had a lot of time to write, lately. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t had a whole lot on my heart to write about. Politics, theology, life in general is leaving me flat lately… at least when it comes to writing. I started a post on Obama and Dobson but it just sorta fizzled out… we’ll see.

I love you all and I appreciate the encouraging words!

In Him,