
What is there to tell? I’m almost 33 years old. As of March 16, 2008, I live in Redding, CA. My life-long dream of being a “real” Californian is coming true. I’m the father of one son, “Bug” who is going to be six soon and is the best thing I have ever done in my whole life I am divorced from Bug’s mom and they live in Las Vegas, NV. This is a very difficult thing for me. I hate failure and I feel like one. Some days I cry, I bawl, I weep like my heart will break. Other days, thank God, I feel raised up and whole.

Fish looking ever so much the cowboy
Here’s a picture of my Bug in the blue t-shirt, hat and “awesome shades” looking so much older than 5 and a half…

Speaking of God, I am a Christian. That word means so many different things to so many different people and has so much baggage attached to it. In fact, I have dedicated one of my first posts to different definitions of the word “Christian” and what I mean when I say it (or type it, more to the point). Check out my category “God” for more…

Just so you know, this is not a “religious” blog. I am a whole person and I enjoy many different things.

I am a “free software” fanatic. For those who don’t know, that’s free as in speech, not free as in beer. To put it another way, it’s Libre as opposed to Gratis. I support small software developers and open-source projects. I avoid software from “Redmond” like the plague, which it is! If you don’t understand the reference, “Redmond”, let me explain. Redmond, WA is the home of the Microsoft Corporation. I believe the Microsoft Corporation is one of the most insidious corporate entities in the world. It would be so easy to go off on a HUGE rant right here and I need to save that for blog posts. Check out my category “Technology” for more…

I love to cook. I love to eat. I love food, in general. I will try to share recipes and good restaurants and critiques of whatever I want to, food-wise. Check out my category “Food” for more…

Finally, I have a category “General” for… well… general stuff… chances are, this will be the most highly populated category… for now…

I want to start a podcast someday, but as for now, that’s still on the horizon and not a reality quite yet.

Ok, so… that’s the rambling introduction to my blog. Grab your favorite beverage, and read on….

Matty the Stranger

ps – You will see the initials SDG throughout this site. It is also integrated into my tattoo. Click here for the explanation.

12 Responses

  1. Hi Matt,

    Blog looks great!


  2. Hi Matt,

    Love the blog. Can’t wait to read more about you.


  3. It’s Jiller, the one who creates logos for people. Yes my logos are free. Can you tell me the way you want it? give me what does your logo have to say, what color would you preferr, and style (for example: futuristic, sports,profesional, animals) u can send your ideas of how u want it to my email low_boy11@yahoo.com

  4. What if I don’t like Diet Coke? Can I drink a sweet tea instead?

    I look forward to checking in from time to time. Maybe we can have another dialogue in the comments.

  5. Good start Matt. Keep going. Put in some sub plots. 🙂

  6. Matt, Just came across your blog today. Excellent writing and subject matter.

  7. Thanks for the track back and I am sorry to hear about your marriage! I have become an avowed Ubuntu fanatic now and if you haven’t heard…Bill is branching out over in Moses Lake now because of the cheap power there. I wonder how much longer Microsoft is going to keep their main stuff in Redmond.

  8. I was divorced back in 1974 at the ripe old age of 19…i remeber the feeling well. it was desperation in a way..took me a long time to get over that..been married this time 28 years..no releationship is perfect.i hope you get to see a lot of Fish.He’s most likely hurting worse than anyone.
    blogging is a great way to get past this..And believe it or not, “this too shall pass”,,,one day you’ll wake up and the pain will be gone – well it won’t hurt anyway..it’s true that old saying..”you’ll never get over her, till someone new comes along”..take it from me. once someone new does come along it won’t be so bad. good luck.

  9. Hi Matty. Thanks for checking out my blog and offering kind words. I was actually fearful of mentioning in my blog that I’ve been reaching out to God… I guess I was afraid I would get sarcastic or negative responses. In fact, I have received more kind and supportive comments on that particular entry than any other in my blog. It’s a great feeling. I will definitely be checking out more of your blog.
    Thanks again,

  10. Ya know… I’m still waiting for the testimony blog that you promised all of us… Hope you’re doing well!

  11. you got a nice blogs…. Godbless

  12. I couldn’t sleep one night in December so I googled a bunch of people that I had lost touch with mostly to see if I could see what they were doing now and maybe what they looked like. That’s how I ran across your blog. The entry that I came across was how Westmont had not necessarily helped you very much spiritually. I couldn’t read the whole entry because blogs are blocked in China. I think yours may be blocked for language (lol). I’m in Thailand now and was curious to see what you would be writing about. I was happy to see and not surprised at all that the poly sci major was writing about politics, entertainment, culture and faith as some of the main topics, and that you were as articulate as ever.

    I knew that you had gotten married and had a son from the Petersons who know your parents and still live in Indianapolis. I didn’t ask after you. They volunteered the information. They have been supporters and good friends of mine for 10 years.

    I was terribly sorry to hear that you are getting divorced. I wish you all the best in walking into a new season of life in faith.

    Your blog is very interesting. I have responded to the recent blog on economics. It coincided with some of the things I have been thinking about and reading.

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